30" X 40" Oil Painting On Canvas Hand painted oil reproduction of a famous Picasso painting, Girl Before a Mirror. It has been carefully recreated detail-by-detail, color-by-color to near perfection in order to preserve the sentiment and splendor of the original. Why settle for a print when you can add sophistication to your rooms with a beautiful oil painting? Girl before a Mirror oil painting was done by Picasso during the 1930's and is the perfect depiction of Synthetic Cubism. Picasso used the mirror to reflect the many sides of a woman. Pablo Picasso was recognized by his father as a child prodigy by the age of 14. Picasso pioneered the modern art movement called Cubism and is widely acknowledged as the most important artist of the 20th century. This work of art has the same emotions and beauty as the original. Why not grace your home with this reproduced fine gallery masterpiece? It is sure to bring many admirers! Frame Description: New Age Wood Frame - Black Finish
Art Reproduction Oil Painting - Girl Before a Mirror with New Age Wood Frame - Black Finish - 34.75" X 44.75" - Hand Painted Framed Canvas Art
Product Brand : overstockArt.com
Available : In Stock
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